Year of casting
29,000 lbs
Largest Bell
B♭ 6,608 lbs
Number of Bells

St. Patrick's Cathedral

New York City, NY

PACCARD cast the cathedral’s 19 original bells in 1897. They arrived in July 1897 on the steamship La Touraine and were displayed inside the Cathedral near the 5th Avenue entrance. They were first rung for the Silver Jubilee of Archbishop Corrigan on May 4, 1898 playing “Hymn to St. Casmir,” “Hymn to St. Joseph,” and “Hymn to St. Patrick.” On March 14, 1901, they were the first set of bells in the world to be operated by means of a system of compressed air. In 1952, the bells were electrified and technology was installed to automate the bells to be played from a small keyboard.