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PACCARD Carillons

synonymous with musical excellence

Contact us today to learn how we can partner with you to create a stunning carillon that will enrich your community with timeless music and captivating beauty.   


Masters of the Carillon

PACCARD has established itself as the masters of the carillon. Each custom-cast carillon consists of 23 or more bells, played from a keyboard console linked directly to bell clappers, allowing for full musical expression. For centuries, generations of PACCARD bell founders have dedicated themselves to research and experimentation in order to create a better, more balanced carillon. This commitment and passion have led to numerous innovations and advancements, resulting in an exceptional musical instrument — the acoustically-balanced Paccard carillon, whose musical quality remains unrivaled.

Innovation and unsurpassed quality

Each unique PACCARD carillon benefits from these features:

  • Exacting standards for the shape and thickness of each bell at the sound bow, or striking point
  • The patented PACCARD profile (bell shape) is designed to intensify the bell’s prime note while subduing its minor third.
  • Precise metal mixtures corresponding to the bell size allow the smaller bells to ring for a longer period and prevent them from being overpowered by the larger bells.
  • Time-tested components used in our traditional carillon transmission systems include stainless steel action and carbon fiber rods designed to perform in the harshest environments.
  • Designing with the flexibility for future expansion for manual action.

A few of the remarkable PACCARD carillons


Illinois: Centralia, 65 bells

Michigan: Grand Rapids, 48 bells

California: Berkeley, 61 bells

Washington D.C.: Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, 56 bells

New York: St Patrick Cathedral, the oldest PACCARD carillon (1897) !


Chambéry: Yolande Tower, 70 bells

Douai: City Bell Tower, 62 bells

Dijon: Saint-Bénigne Cathedral, 56 bells

Lisieux: Basilica of the Child Jesus (1948), 48 bells

Paris: Saint-Odile Church (1949), 26 bells

Rouen: Notre-Dame Cathedral, from 56 to 64 bells since its renovation in 2015

Carillons are played, not like bell peals, but in the manner of percussion instruments. At least three bells are required for producing an air (« Au clair de la lune », for example). On the other hand, if one thinks that every church has a carillon, for the true experts, one will speak about carillons only from two octaves, i.e. 24 bells, perfectly tuned, played on a wooden keyboard called a « punching keyboard ».

PACCARD Carillons


The carillon of Universal Exhibition

1937 – Universal Exhibition of Arts and Techniques in Paris. Savoy was represented by a traditional village, with its chapel and a carillon of 37 bells. In order to avoid its purchase by the foreigners, the Savoyards decided to buy it. A committee of « les Amis du Carillon » was created and launched a subscription in order to « offer » the carillon to the city of Chambéry.

11 septembre 1938 – Installed in the Saint-Chapelle tower of the castle of the Dukes of Savoy, the carillon was inaugurated in the presence of a considerable crowd.

1960 – On the occasion of the centenary of the annexation of Savoy to France, the city of Chambéry added three bells.

1974 – After fading somewhat from memory the carillon started again at the instigation of its bell-ringer, Mr. Jean-Pierre Vittot.

1988 – A committee for the renovation and the expansion of the Savoyard carillon was officially created. The rallying of sponsors was better than expected (1000 donors) and the committee decided to realise a completely new carillon and to extend the number of bells of the initial plan : the new carillon included now 70 bells ! The carillon of 1937 was preserved according to witness to a remarkable French know-how for its time.

20 juin 1993 – Solemn blessing of the new carillon.

1994 – The Great Carillon of Chambéry received the International Congress of the Bell-ringers. Since, it is regarded as a worldwide reference in the instrumental craftsmanship of the manual carillons.

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Some remarkable carillons

In France

Chambéry : Yolande Tower, 70 bells

Douai : City Bell Tower, 62 bells

Dijon : Saint-Bénigne Cathedral, 56 bells

Lisieux : Basilica of the Child Jesus (1948), 48 bells

Paris : Saint-Odile Church (1949), 26 bells

Rouen : Notre-Dame Cathedral, from 56 to 64 bells since its renovation in 2015



Illinois : Centralia, 65 bells

Michigan : Grand Rapids, 48 bells

California : Berkeley, 61 bells

Washington D.C. : Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, 56 bells

New York : St Patrick Cathedral, the oldest PACCARD carillon (1897) !



A lively sculpture, a unique visual and sound concept in order to beautify, gather, commemorate.

Rising at the heart of the city, ARS SONORA encourages the meetings and the exchanges, becoming a reference point and a must-see reference, contributing to the improvement of the heritage.

Its vibrations brings in everyday life a little extra-special something…

Today, PACCARD Foundry puts its know-how at the service of municipalities by creating Musical Sculptures whose bells play their gentle melodies in the course of time and seasons.
